Vu Minh Thiet, PhD.
Collaborating PI
Research Interest(s)
- Molecular biology
- Cell biology
1999-2003: BSc., VNU Hanoi-University of Science
2006-2011: PhD., National University of Singapore
- Hoang Danh Nguyen; Minh Thiet Vu; Hoang Dang Khoa Do. The complete mitochondrial genome of Mystus gulio Hamilton (Siluriformes: Bagridae) and its phylogenetic implication. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 2023 439-442.
- Differences in bacterial composition between vascular epiphyte and parasitic plants living on the same host plants. Do HDK, Luqman A, Vu MT, Nguyen HD, Putro YK, Rofiqa EA, Santoso H, Kristanti AN, Hariyanto S, Bui LM, Manuhara YSW, Wibowo AT. Biodiversitas (2022) 23: 5798-5805.
- Vu MT, Geraldi A, Do HDK, Luqman A, Nguyen HD, Fauzia FN, Amalludin FI, Sadila AY, Wijaya NH, Santoso H, Manuhara YSW, Bui LM, Hariyanto S, Wibowo AT. Soil Mineral Composition and Salinity Are the Main Factors Regulating the Bacterial Community Associated with the Roots of Coastal Sand Dune Halophytes. Biology. 2022; 11(5):695. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11050695
- Madhuvanthi Chandrakanthan, Toan Quoc Nguyen, Zafrul Hasan, Sneha Muralidharan, Thiet Minh Vu, Aaron Wei Liang Li, Uyen Thanh Nha Le, Hoa Thi Thuy Ha, Sang-Ha Baik, Sock Hwee Tan, Juat Chin Foo, Markus R. Wenk, Amaury Cazenave-Gassiot, Federico Torta, Wei Yi Ong, Mark Yan Yee Chan & Long N. Nguyen. Deletion of Mfsd2b impairs thrombotic functions of platelets. Nature Comnunications 12 (1), 1-14. (2021)
- Nguyen TQ, Vu TM et al. Erythrocytes efficiently utilize exogenous sphingosine for S1P synthesis and export via Mfsd2b. Journal Biological Chemistry (2020) 296 100201
- Vu TM, Isuzu AN, Foo JC, Toh XR, Zhang F, Whee DM, Torta F, Cazenave-Gassiot A, Matsumura T, Kim S, Shiow STE, Suda T, Silver DL, Wenk MR, Nguyen LN. MFSD2b is essential for sphingosine-1-phosphate export in erythrocytes and platelets. Nature 550, 524–528 (2017)
- Ingouff M, Selles B, Michaud C, Vu TM, Berger F, Schorn AJ, Autran D, Durme MV, Nowack MK, Martienssen RA and Grimanelli D. Live-cell analysis of DNA methylation during sexual reproduction in Arabidopsis reveals context and sex-specific dynamics controlled by noncanonical RdDM. Genes and Development. 10.1101/gad.289397.116 (2017)
- Vu TM, Nakamura M, Calarco JP, SusakiD, Lim PQ, Kinoshita T, Higashiyama T, Martienssen RA and Berger F. (2013) RNA-directed DNA methylation regulates parental genomic imprinting at several loci in Arabidopsis. Development 140: 10.1242/dev.092
- Berger F, Vu TM, Li J, Chen B. Hypothesis: Selection of Imprinted Genes is Driven by Silencing Deleterious Gene Activity in Somatic Tissues. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 2012 Dec 18.
- Vũ Minh Thiết, Trần Thế Thành, Nguyễn Thị Minh Phương, Phan Văn Chi (2006) Analysis of glycoprotein from human plasma by LC ESI MS/MS. Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology 4(1):13-22 (in Vietnamese)
- Vũ Minh Thiết, Nguyễn Bích Nhi, Phan Văn Chi (2006) Phân tích hệ protein huyết thanh của bệnh nhân suy tuỷ cấp. Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam 324(7): 40-44.
- Vu MT, Nguyen NL, Dang TN, Nguyen TD, Nguyen VM, Phan VC (2004) Discovery of MLL-AF4 Fusion Protein in Serum of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients. Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology 2(3): 1-11
- PV Chi, VM Thiet, TT Thanh, and NTM Phuong (2006) Analysis of Glycoprotens in human serum by lectin capture strategies combined with NanoLC-MS/MS. HUPO 5thNovember 1, 2006, Long Beach, California. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 5(10 Suppl): S141
- PV Chi, VM Thiet, DT Nam, NN Long, LB Thao, NB Nhi, NV Hai (2005). Immune-mediated disorder biomarkers in sera of patients suffering from blood-related diseases. HUPO 4th Annual World Congress, Aug 28th to Sept 1st, 2005 Munich, Germany. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 4(8 Suppl): S143
- Vu MT, Nguyen NL, Dang TN, Nguyen TD, Phan VC (2004) Detection of MLL-AF4 Fusion Protein in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients Using Two-dimentional Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry. HUPO 3rd Annual World Congress, October 25-27, 2004 Beijing, China. Molecular & Cell Proteomics 3(10 Suppl): S52
- 2018: The Open Fund – Young Individual Research Grant, by the National Medical Research, Council, Singapore’s Ministry of Health